Fish Finders Don’t Lie
Fish Finders Don’t Lie: Brent Ehrler’s Winning Tactics – In-Fisherman: After reading the piece about Brent Ehrler’s win at Table Rock Lake, I wanted to share this video about trusting your electronics.
The quality and sensitivity of of today’s sonar is outstanding.
Truly, we need to trust what it’s telling us. Anglers often purchase a high dollar device only to end up using it as a depth gauge. Summer is a good time to find bass, especially spotted bass, grouped up like this on a ledge or deep point – just like you see on the screen below.

I have run a Lowrance at the driver’s console and have had this situation play out multiple times. If you see spaghetti-like graphics be aware this is a school of fish actively swimming and engaging bait fish.

I’ve dropped a silver buddy jigging spoon or a drop shot down and caught a ton of bass! The fast approaching fall weather is likely to cause the shad and bass to group together just like this as the shad journey to the back of major creek arms and coves.
First and foremost, the more you spend on screen size, the better off you will be.
I can’t wait to have a couple 21″ flat screens gracing the front deck of my boat.

In calm enough water, a guy can sit directly over the fish and watch his bait fall down to the fish below. A pixel line forms on screen as even the smallest drop shot worm falls down to the bottom. Then sit back and watch as the fish swims over to investigate the Twinkies from heaven.
I have got to the point at times, where I could tell the person beside me they were gonna get bit seconds before it happens.
Become a fish magician to a young angler in your life.
Tight Lines